Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hope in the New Year

While at the ashram, I finished reading Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, an account of the dark practices of the US in a globalized world. It seemed like an inappropriate book to be reading during our stay, but it turned out to be timely finishing it in that setting. John Perkins finishes his book with a message of hope and empowerment to change our ways. One excerpt particularly grabbed me....

'The Prophecy of the Condor and the Eagle' can be taken at many levels--the standard interpretation is that it foretells the sharing of indigenous knowledge with the technologies of science, the balancing of yin and yang, and the bridging of northern and southerns cultures. However, the most powerful is the message it offers about consciousness, it says that we have entered a time when we can benefit from the many diverse ways of seeing ourselves and the world, and that we can use these as the springboard to higher levels of awareness. As human beings, we can truly wake up and evolve into a more conscious species.
...that is we are to address questions about the nature of what it is to be human in this new millenium and about our commitment to evaluating our intentions for the next several decades, then we need to open our eyes and see the consequences of our actions--the actions of the eagle. We must shake ourselves awake...we must reevaluate who we are and where we want our children to end up. The alternative to stopping to ask ourselves the important questions is simply too dangerous.
The hour is ours. It is now time for each and every one of us to step up to the battle line, to ask the important questions, to search our souls for our own answers, and to take action.

This echoed much of what we discussed while in the ashram...becoming the peole we want to be so that we can foster teh change we want to see in the world. Simply changing our own lifestyles and leading by example. Seeing so many people from all walks of life coming together for a variety of reasons, all with the intention of getting to know themselves better and lead better lives.


Blogger Tina said...

What you said Mae - "becoming the people we want to be so we can foster change in the world" - I absolutely believe that to be true. When I get an itch to get involved in something and try to evoke change in a positive way (for instance - over the weekend I became aware that Jefferson County DESPERATELY needs a new animal shelter and people are starting to work towards obtaining a new one) I just get so enthusiastic and filled with hope - and my husband has often said "we aren't responsible for that" or "someone else should be paying for that - the government, etc" my response is always "if you sit around and wait for someone else to change things or if it is someone else's responsibility it may never happen!" One person can make a difference in this world and change starts with you and me. Why sit around and wait for the "right" person to change things when innocent people and animals suffer in the meantime? Especially when it comes to people, animals, living things who are powerless and voiceless!

My hats off to you Meaghan. I think it is very important that you spend this year reflecting upon what it is you want to do and what it is you want to change in this world. I have always known that you would do great things, and I am anxious to see what that may be! The possibilities are endless.



January 15, 2009 at 7:22 AM  

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