Tuesday, December 30, 2008


We have heard time and time again that one of the things that cannot be missed while traveling in India is a trip on the backwaters of Kerala on a houseboat. Well, I don't want to say that all those people were wrong because I do not know if that is the trip of a lifetime. However, when we saw the ubiquitous houseboats clogging the backwater canals from the seats of the public ferry, we all felt quite relieved that we had not gone that route. Instead we opted to stay in a homestay in a small village along the maze of canals. This area is all built on reclaimed land that has been inhabited for centuries. We saw villagers that still work as mud diggers that dive down and collect mud from the canal floor that is used to reinforce the adjacent land. It is a beautiful area that is unfortunately being exploited by tourism that threatens the livelihood of the villagers that call the area home. Many villagers still wade into the canal to bathe, wash clothes, fish, and of course play. We spent a few days enjoying the serene setting from the banks of the canals instead of drifting by on a huge houseboat. We took walks exploring the island we were on. The small villages stretched along the canals, the lifeline of the area. Then the palm trees opened up upon huge bright green rice paddies speckled with white herons. It was an idillic setting and I can understand why everyone is encouraged to visit this lush area...I just hope that its magic isn't lost as the result of tourism that has blossomed out of control.


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