A little explanation
I think it necessary for me to write again to clarify my last e.mail. Amazingly it was the first time that Tim and I were feeling completely down and out since we started our journey. So, my last post was a stream of consciousness as my mind was completely unsettled and my tolerance levels had dropped quite low. India is the most intense place I have ever experienced, and for that reason traveling here has taught me so much and challenged me in so many ways. It has taught me to look at things in a different way and to (try!) to be open to whatever is lying in our path. Obviously, I don't always succeed in accomplishing that, but I try my best! Yesterday, Tim and I both hit a low point and found ourselves feeling quite weary...but today was a new days full of new experiences that renewed our spirits and refueled us.
I also feel I should clarify some of what I was sharing in my last e.mail. I worry that I paint a picture of a destitute India. While much of India struggles with poverty and hunger, there is a whole other part of India competing on a global scale, educating some of the world's best engineers, doctors, and computer programmers. As budget travelers constantly on the go, we come into contact with the lower class much moreso. So, the images I share only paint a small picture of what this complex country is and what it has to offer.
you are far kinder than i was when writing about india. the problem is that they are educating smart engineer, doctors, etc., but most of those educated people them move two western countries, thus creating a "brain-drain" in the country, lowering the general quality of worker/life in the country. at least, that's how i saw it.
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