Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Not so bad in Hyderabad

From Chennai, we hopped up to Hyderabad. Another huge city it is also known as Cyberbad, due to the growth of the IT industry here. What Tim and I have been fascinated by is the demographic shift as we are starting north along the eastern coast. Hyderabad has a much larger Muslim population, as you find through much more of the north. So, while there are still many Hindus here in Hyderabad, historically the Muslims have been in control and that is reflected in the incredible architecture found in the old city center. Beautiful domed towers and sculpted archways. Then, of course, you also see a shift in food, attire, and language. Although there are far more rickshaw drivers than there could ever be demand for...and the general traffic is exhausting, the people are incredibly friendly often stopping us to simply welcome us to Hyderabad.


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