Saturday, January 24, 2009

More Transport Tales

Just the other day as Tim and I were boarding a bus (after having to wait only a few moments for one of the frequent busses to arrive), we commented on how incredibly easy it is to travel around India. There is always lots of excitement along the road or rails, but in terms of the frequency and consistency of the busses and trains, we have found it quite easy to get around the country. Note to self: never have this conversation upon boarding a bus!! We were anticipating one bus change enroute to our destination. Eight hours later, we had taken 4 busses and only covered 200km!! It was a long, tiring day on overcrowded busses that you had to fight your way onto. We were even told to get off one of the busses because, along with our luggage, we took up too much space. We sat on some busses, stood on another, held our bags on our laps on another. It was a test of our perseverance each time we found out that there wasn't a direct route on to our destination. Yet, we felt like we had accomplished so much by the time the bus pulled into the Ponducherry station...and we had survived the journey!


Blogger slyght said...

i think TAs (and you two, in particular) would be EXCELLENT at "the amazing race". i've only seen an episode or two, but watching americans not used to traveling internationally and dealing with foreign cultures is kinda disappointing in how sheltered we seem to be. speaking of buses. one time i had a bus back into our autorickshaw, nearly knocking it completely over. ah, the memories.

February 23, 2009 at 12:48 AM  

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