Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Scooter Mania

Sometimes crossing the street feels like you have fallen into a parade and you are caught in the midst of a crew of Shriners on motos. Darting in and out of each other, often carrying loads that defy the laws of physics and the power of the motor, it is a raucus circus marching down the road in a harmonious chaos. Crossing the road, the scooters part around you as if you are Moses parting the Red Sea. They carry everything, including the kitchen sink. Driving with one hand, they balance heavy loads with their 'free' hand. Mounds of vegetables, stacks of chicken cages, hardware name it, they can move it on the back of a moto. And every time your foot hits the sidewalk as you exit your hotel, there is a friendly chap (helmet already on) offering eagerly, '!'


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