Sunday, March 8, 2009

Who can you trust in Delhi?

After so many stories from other travelers of being taken for the proverbial ride by the many touts working the streets of Delhi…Tim and I were a little wary as we arrived in the capital city. This is particularly hard just a few weeks after our stay in Bangladesh where we actually ended up going to several people’s homes and it was so easy to be trusting of people. As we stepped out of the New Delhi train station in the early morning hours, we quickly had a million rickshaw wallahs eagerly welcoming us to their city and they all seemed to have just the right hotel for us. So I defaulted to Tim’s approach (ignoring anyone and everyone that even utters a word to you) and the rickshaw drivers quickly lost interest as we appeared to be more of a challenge than they were ready for at that hour of the day. I would like to think that we are a little more savvy after several months in the south of India, and can negotiate the touts a bit better than Delhi was our first introduction to the country.


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