Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's a hard knock life

I should preface with saying -- I do not share these stories to paint a bad picture of India, but it is very much the reality in Mumbai. The poverty is absolutely alarming. The extreme dichotomy between the classes is ever present and permeates every part of society. Strolling the streets, you are in close contact with the extremely poor, and to turn a blind eye is impossible...and would be going against the whole reason for this trip in the first place. However, I laid awake for several hours last night with so many images flashing through my head. People rolling out their mats on the sidewalk, where their entire family will sleep for the night. Beggers unable to stand because they were so frail and weak. Young children using the storm grate on the street side as a toilet. And all the while, the women are beautifully put together in their colorful saris and the men are neatly groomed. The lack of sanitation is appalling, and we are far from the large slum that holds over half of Mumbai's population. It goes against everything I have ever been taught or ever known to stroll past these people in such great need. The sights here in Mumbai are amazing, but I have a hard time ignoring the slender hand anxiously awaiting some loose change.


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